Art History 135FF: Art of Tibet
Christian Luczanits
Spring Quarter, 2008
Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:15 pm
Course Info: The art produced
in the different regions of the Himalayas is almost exclusively religious
and to a large extent an expression of Tibetan Buddhism. The course introduces
the sources and main periods of the art of Tibet from the earliest examples,
attributable to the 7th century, to the present according a western as
well as an indigenous perspective. Special emphasis is given to those
aspects of Tibetan art that are not easily accessible in the literature,
such as the way Tibetan monuments, complex artifacts or series of artifacts
have to be 'read' and the development and principal characteristics of
the Tibetan mandala. It further focuses on the relationship of the art
to the religious practice prevalent at the time of its production. Analyzing
exemplary monuments and art works of different periods in greater detail,
the course also exemplifies the use of different art historical methodologies
in interpretation.
of the Class